Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Lentera Budaya

Mulai pertengahan bulan Januari 2009 ini, kawan-kawan mahasiswa bisa mendengarkan dan bahkan kalau perlu merespon siaran radio tentang bahasa, budaya dan pengajaran bahasa inggris untuk anak. Siaran radio tersebut dilakukan setiap hari Minggu pukul 19.00 - 20.00 wib di radio Suara Kudus 88 FM. Oke selamat mengikuti!

3 komentar:

  1. thx dah singgah di blog saya..
    salam kenal, by nurrahman

  2. Introduction to literature
    Kelas E

    nama-nama anggota:
    1.Agus Siswanto ( 2007 – 32 – 170) email:sabar_jpr@telkom.net
    2.Laukhatul Jannah ( 2008 – 32 154 )
    3.Fazar Muzdalifah ( 2008 – 32 – 154
    4.Choirin Nida ( 2008 – 32 – 163 )
    5.Dewi Fatimah ( 2008 – 32 – 146 )
    6.Mualifah ( 2008 – 32 – 171 )
    7.Hadi Imam Mukhlis ( 2008 – 32 – 156 )
    8.Dhinar Kharisma Angretha (2008 – 32- )
    9.Sri wahyuningsih ( 2007 – 32- 059 )
    10.Fitriana ( 2007 – 32 – 067 )

    Definition of literatur:
    Literature is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word means "acquaintance with letters" (from Latin littera letter). In Western culture the most basic written literary types include fiction and non-fiction.

    Some examples of literature are:
    1.Poetry is piece of literature written by a poet in meter or verse expressing various emotions which are expressed by the use of variety of techniques including metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia
    2.Prose consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar); "non-poetic" writing, perhaps
    4.Drama is play for the theatre, radio or television composition , presentation and performance such as plays.
    5.Short story refers to a work of fiction that is usually written in prose, usually in narrative format
    6.Novel is the printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction;
    7. Biography : Person's life history written by another.

  3. introduction to literature E Class
    1.sutrimo 2007-32-237
    2 nurul fitri yunila rizqi 2007-32-092
    3 leni fitriani 2007-32-
    4 St. sri wahyuningsih 2007-32-156
    5 noor hidayah 2007-32
    6 jalaludin al firdausi 2008-32-242
    7 raden beni dewa brata 2008-32-032
    8 yulian atmajaya 2008-32-035

    1)literature is literary work that appears on script shape which involved fictive, imaginative,fictiouness and imagination literary work just view from the cover on the reality literary work show many kind of literature like costume,politic, art, ect.

    2) literature is the expression of somebody's privacy on experience intelectual, consideration, feel, idea, spirit, conviction in concrete discription which appears enchanment and artisic with language.

    kinds of literature
    a) novel
    b) short story
    c) poem
    d) drama
    e) painting
