Minggu, 01 Maret 2009
Welcome to Intro to Literature Class
Before proceeding to the discussion of literature itself, I need to assure myself that you know what you are facing. Here, in this class, you are about to study literature. I believe that some of you think that literature is the same as old dusty books you usually find in your old town library. Well, if you think so, it means you go wrong students. That is why it is driven me to come to the next stage; giving you tasks.
1. Please, find out what literature is.
2. Give me some examples of it.
Leave your answer here in "comment" form and don't forget to mention your class and your members group (that involve in this process).
I'll be waiting for your answer no more than March 5, 2009.
Posting Komentar (Atom)
1. Ratna Rukmasari 2005-32-035
2. Alfianti 2007-32-008
3. Hayu Nila Santi 2007-32-034
4. Ulfa Novarida 2007-32-063
5. Naning Risti H. 2007-32-071
6. Ari Yuliana 2007-32-080
7. Ika Widya Ariesta 2007-32-256
1. What is Literature?
Literature is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word means "acquaintance with letters" (from Latin littera letter). In Western culture the most basic written literary types include fiction and non-fiction.
2. The examples of Literature :
a. History
One of the earliest known literary works is the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem dated around 2700 B.C., which deals with themes of heroism, friendship, loss, and the quest for eternal life.
b. Poetry
A poem is a composition written in verse (although verse has been equally used for epic and dramatic fiction).
c. Prose
Prose consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar); "non-poetic" writing, perhaps.
d. Essays
An essay consists of a discussion of a topic from an author's personal point of view, exemplified by works by Michel de Montaigne or by Charles Lamb.
e. Fiction
Narrative fiction (narrative prose) generally favours prose for the writing of novels, short stories, graphic novels, and the like.
f. Other prose literature
Philosophy, history, journalism, and legal and scientific writings traditionally ranked as literature. They offer some of the oldest prose writings in existence; novels and prose stories earned the names "fiction" to distinguish them from factual writing or nonfiction, which writers historically have crafted in prose.
g. Drama
A play or drama offers another classical literary form that has continued to evolve over the years. It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims at dramatic / theatrical performance (see theatre) rather than at reading.
h. Oral literature
The term oral literature refers not to written, but to oral traditions, which includes different types of epic, poetry and drama, folktales, ballads, legends, jokes, and other genres of folklore. It exists in every society, whether literate or not. It is generally studied by folklorists, or by scholars committed to cultural studies and ethnopoetics, including linguists, anthropologists, and even sociologists.
i. Other narrative forms
* Electronic literature is a literary genre consisting of works which originate in digital environments.
* Films, videos and broadcast soap operas have carved out a niche which often parallels the functionality of prose fiction.
* Graphic novels and comic books present stories told in a combination of sequential artwork, dialogue and text.
BalasHapusMembers of group :
1. Ina Wahyuni Haryani ( 2007 – 32 – 009)
2. Dian Maya Anggreini ( 2007 – 32 – 039 )
3. Dyah Noor Farida ( 2007 – 32 – 040 )
4. Ana Roifa Hilmawati ( 2007 – 32 – 047 )
5. Hanik Purnayanti ( 2007 – 32 – 048 )
6. Isti Qomariyah ( 2007 – 32 – 052 )
7. Iswatin Hasanah ( 2007 – 32 – 055 )
8. Suryaningtyas Buana Puteri ( 2007 – 32 – 073 )
1. What is Literature ?
Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, “literature” is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
Kesusastraan : susastra + ke – an
Su + sastra
Su berarti indah atau baik
Sastra berarti lukisan atau karangan
Susastra berarti karangan atau lukisan yang baik dan indah
Kesustraan berarti segala tulisan atau karangan yang mengandung nilai-nilai kebaikan yang ditulis dengan bahasa yang indah.
Sastra (Sansekerta, shastra) merupakan kata serapan dari bahasa Sansekerta śãstra, yang berarti “teks yang mengandung instruksi” atau “pedoman”, dari kata dasar śãs- yang berarti “ instruksi” atau “ajaran”.
2. Example of Literature
Cerita / Cerpen ( tertulis/ lisan )
Contohnya Tamasya Sebelum Pulang, Mosaik Maria, Guru Muda Karsono
Seri Negeri gelaran diberi,
Sebuah pulau cantik berseri;
Bernaung di bawah sebuah negeri,
Raja berdaulat Paduka Seri.
Buah Cempedak di luar pagar,
Ambil galah tolong jolokkan,
Kami murid baru belajar,
Kalau salah tolong tunjukkan.
Sandiwara / Drama
Contohnya ; drama Cinderella, drama Snow White dan drama Beauty and the Beast
Lukisan / Kaligrafi
Contohnya ; Lukisan Abstract Andi Suandi
3. Daftar Pustaka
BalasHapus1. Ahmad Hadi Purnomo (2007-32-015)
2. Mislaharida (2007-32-016)
3. Sulistiyani (2007-32-023)
4. Amalia Pradina F (2007-32-058)
5. Listiyo Rini (2007-32-065)
6. Noor Rahayu Kamilia (2007-32-183)
This section of the book is from the "Household Companion: The Home Book Of Etiquette" book.
Letters of Congratulation or Condolence.
Epistles of this kind need to be very carefully written. "Unless there is some actual sympathy in the mind of the writer, they had better, in many cases, be left unwritten, since they may serve the opposite purpose to that designed. A verbal expression of feeling, where there is no feeling, is apt to fail of its intention. If such a letter prove difficult to compose, it is likely to seem studied, cold, and formal. Simplicity and ease of expression are necessary elements in a note of condolence or compliment.
A letter of congratulation should avoid any indication of other than unselfish good feeling in the writer. The slightest show of envy or jealousy at the good fortune of those whom we felicitate is unpardonable. It I should on no account contain a hint of any hope that the advancement, or change of situation, upon which the compliment is made, may afford the person addressed the means of conferring a benefit on the party writing.
Such a letter should, in fact, be an unmixed expression of pleasure and congratulation on the event that calls for its production. But care must be taken to keep within due bounds; to exaggerate in our congratulations may be to seem satirical.
In a letter of congratulation we should be cheerful; from an epistle of condolence all pleasantry should be banished. When addressing a person who is laboring under any grievous calamity, it is bad taste to make light of it; to treat that loss as a mutter which might be endured calmly, by a little firmness on the part of the party who has suffered it, has the effect to irritate rather than soothe. One should seek to enter into the feelings of the mourner, to eulogize the departed relation, to rebuke the ingratitude of the false friend, to confess, the inconstancy of fortune, or otherwise, according to the circumstances; and, without magnifying, to lament the affliction.
Language like this is balm to the wounded mind, which rejects consolation from those who do not seem sensible of the extent of the sorrow under which it labors. But such a subject must be treated with a delicate hand, for an exaggerated expression of sympathy may give the appearance of insincerity, and of a strained endeavor to condole. In such a case it may aggravate the depression which it seeks to remove.
Since the 18th century, the definition of the concept "literature" has become a problematic and a controversial issue among various literary schools. What is literature? What are the qualities that distinguish a literary text from a non-literary one? Does literature have any particular function in society? These are some crucial questions whose answers were supposed to limit and define the scope of "literature". However, various literary and critical schools have advanced different and contradictory responses to these same questions, which have consequently led to a failure in producing an authoritatively established definition of "literature".
This failure can be ascribed to many reasons, but because the length of the paper doesn't allow to tackle all of them, the forthcoming paragraphs will be devoted to discuss only two main reasons. The first reason is the difficulty to distinguish between "fact" and "fiction" in some works which, as it will be clarified in the few coming paragraphs, were anthropological and documentary and were later seen as fictional, or vice versa. The second reason resides in the different perspectives upon which different literary theories have based their views about literature. This paper is, therefore, an attempt to shed light on the indeterminacy of the concept "literature" by explaining and extending on these two main reasons.
To begin with, the concept of "literature", originated from the Latin word "littera", was introduced into English in the fourteenth century. In its beginning, it was not vague or indeterminate as in its modern use. It was used then to refer to "a condition of reading: of being able to read and of having read" (Williams, Marxism and Literature, 46). Hence, it was used to have a meaning similar to that of "literacy", which was coined and introduced into English in early nineteenth century when the concept "literature" was developed and got a different sense.
A. Literature is literally "acquaintance with letters" as in the first sense given in the Oxford English Dictionary (from the Latin littera meaning "an individual written character (letter)"). The term has generally come to identify a collection of texts or work of art, which in Western culture are mainly prose, both fiction and non-fiction, drama and poetry. In much, if not all of the world, texts can be oral as well, and include such genres as epic, legend, myth, ballad, plus other forms of oral poetry, and the folktale.
Nations can have literatures, as can corporations, philosophical schools or historical periods. Popular belief commonly holds that the literature of a nation, for example, comprises the collection of texts which make it a whole nation.
The Hebrew Bible, Persian Shahnama, the Indian Mahabharata, Ramayana and Thirukural, the Iliad and the Odyssey, Beowulf, and the Constitution of the United States, all fall within this definition of a kind of literature.
B. Literature is an outlet of escape from reality. At the end of the day, I open a book and allow the story to take me to a world where my own fades into a distant memory. With every turn of a page, my imagination is free to reinvent a narrative that is better than the reality I live. Literature can be
non-fiction and based on facts surrounding real
events, people, and places
B. Literature can also be writings based not on truth, but on the imagination and creativity of the author. This includes fiction novels and children story books. A lot of times authors of fiction will get their idea from a real life event and then they allow their imagination to recreate the characters and plot.
Aside from being fiction or non-fiction, literature can also fall into different categories according to the genre, purpose, and style. Some genres include romance, science fiction, Christian, suspense, and western. The authors purpose for writing will likely determine what style and genre they will use. Poetry and drama are forms of literature that are stylistically different from other writings. Every writer wants to engage their audience and capture their attention in order to convey a message. The meaning of the text may hold differing messages within the audience, but it is the goal of the author to captivate the reader and keep them wanting to read more.
John Smith wrote historical accounts of life while he was living. His writings brought insight and hope regarding English settlement during the early 1600s. The General History of Virginia is difficult to comprehend in areas because I am unfamiliar with his use and style of language, but nonetheless it is a beautifully written piece of literature. John Smith’s targeted audience was most likely the people of his time, with the goal of informing them of recent events.
History, Poetry, Prose, Essays, Fiction, Drama
Heni Sugiharti (2007-32-022)
Ririn Tashiyah (2007-32-036)
Choirun Nisak (2007-32-137)
Erna Riyanti (2007-32-184)
Hasna (2007-32-212)
Mufdlolifah (2007-32-226)
Musyarofah (2007-32-229)
Dewi Wulandari (2007-32-246)
Ani (2007-32-255)
Atik Nur C. (2007-32-257)
Dessy Praharani (2007-32-268)
Literature is literally "acquaintance with letters" as in the first sense given in the Oxford English Dictionary (from the Latin littera meaning "an individual written character (letter)"). The term has generally come to identify a collection of texts or work of art, which in Western culture are mainly prose, both fiction and non-fiction, drama and poetry. In much, if not all of the world, texts can be oral as well, and include such genres as epic, legend, myth, ballad, plus other forms of oral poetry, and the folktale.
What is literature?
Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
The body of written works of a language, period, or culture.
Imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value: "Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unity" Rebecca West.
The art or occupation of a literary writer.
The body of written work produced by scholars or researchers in a given field: medical literature.
Printed material: collected all the available literature on the subject.
Music All the compositions of a certain kind or for a specific instrument or ensemble: the symphonic literature.
G:\Intro To lit\literature.htm
Examples of literature:
The art of apprehending and interpreting ideas by the faculty of imagination; the art of idealizing in thought and in expression.
Imaginative languages or composition, whether expressed rhythmically or in prose. Specifically: Metrical Composition; verse; rhyme; poems collectively; as heroic poetry; dramatic poetry; lyric or Pindaric poetry.
All types of poetry are often written in several styles. These styles are defined by the number of lines in each stanza, the syllables used in each line or the structures of rhyme used and so on. Here is a list of the main types of poetry commonly used by poets all over the world.
Ballad: This is an old style of writing poetry, which was used to tell stories. A ballad usually has stanzas made up of either seven or eight or ten lines, and ends with a short four or five line stanza. Each stanza ends with the same line, which is called ‘a refrain’.
Couplet: Perhaps the most popular type of poetry used, the couplet has stanzas made up of two lines which rhyme with each other.
Quatrain: This kind of poem has four lines in a stanza, of which the second and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have a similar syllable structure.
Cinquain: This is another unique type of poetry style. As the name suggests, it is made up of five lines. The first line is just one word, which is often the title of the poem. The second line has two words which describe the first line. The third line has three words, and is mostly the action part of the poem. The fourth line is four words describing the feelings. And the fifth line, again, has just one word which is the title of the poem.
Iambic Pentameter: This is a very complicated style of writing poetry, but was often used by classical poets. This style uses the syllable stresses to create the musical sound. There is one short sounding syllable followed by one long sounding syllable, at the end of each of the five stanzas in a row.
Sonnet: This type of poem contains fourteen lines and follows conventional structures of rhyme.
Haiku: This is again a very structured method of writing poetry. This has its origins in Japan. This method does not use rhyme. There are three lines of five, seven and five syllables each. The poem must essentially talk about some aspect of Nature.
Free Verse: This is a method of writing poetry, which does not essentially follow any structure or style. There is no fixed meter and no structure regarding rhyme and lines in each stanza. This kind of poetry is quite popular with modern poets.
Epic: This poem is usually a long and descriptive one which tells a story. Epics usually are longer than most poems and may even take up a book. Example: Homer’s ‘Iliad’.
Limerick: This is a very witty and often vulgar kind of a poem, which is quite short. This poem has five lines in a stanza. The first, second and fifth line have the same metrical structure and they rhyme with each other. They contain seven to ten syllables each. The second and fourth lines have the same metrical structure and rhyme with each other. These contain five to seven syllables.
These are by no means, all types of poetry forms used. But these are the basics. Most poets use these forms and structures while writing their poems. The form and structure of the poem, ideally should not limit the thought or the idea conveyed by the poet. However, these styles of writing help make the poem more musical in its flow.
Writing that is not in verse; ordinary written or spoken language.
Classification of prose :
To tell a story, to tell merely what happened (what/when/who)
To describe an object, to tell us how sth looks, to re-create the thing in words.
To explain an idea, a thing, a person or combination, to answer the question how and why
( Sfs.scnu.edu.cn/prose/show.aspx )
The act of persuading (or attempting to persuade); communication intended to induce belief or action.
The use of appeals of reasons, values, beliefs, and emotions to convince a listener or reader to think or act in particular way.
The process of arriving at reasons and conclusions; arguing or reasoning discussion in which there is disagreement; debate.
A literary composition that tells a story, usually of human conflict, by means of dialogue and action.
BalasHapus1. Arina hafadhotul H (2007-32-100)
2. Jivi runia (2007-32-110)
3. Cicik sri rahayu (2007-32-144)
4. Roihatin mizkiah (2007-32-135)
5. Siti latifah hanum (2007-32-134)
6. Ervin mutohharoh (2007-32-159)
7. Asnaur roisyatin N (2007-32-194)
8. Nida izzatus S (2008-32-342)
Literature is literally "acquaintance with letters" as in the first sense given in the Oxford English Dictionary (from the Latin
littera meaning "an individual written character (letter)"). The term has generally come to identify a collection of texts or work of art, which in Western culture are mainly prose, both fiction and non-fiction, drama and poetry. In much, if not all of the world, texts can be oral as well, and include such genres as epic, legend, myth, ballad, plus other forms of oral poetry, and the folktale.
A poem is a composition written in verse (although verse has been equally used for epic and dramatic fiction). Poems rely heavily on imagery, precise word choice, and metaphor; they may take the form of measures consisting of patterns of stresses (metric feet) or of patterns of different-length syllables (as in classical prosody); and they may or may not utilize rhyme. One cannot readily characterize poetry precisely. Typically though, poetry as a form of literature makes some significant use of the formal properties of the words it uses – the properties of the written or spoken form of the words, independent of their meaning. Metre depends on syllables and on rhythms of speech; rhyme and alliteration depend on the sounds of words.
Prose consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar); "non-poetic" writing, perhaps. The term sometimes appears pejoratively, but prosaic writing simply says something without necessarily trying to say it in a beautiful way, or using beautiful words. Prose writing can of course take beautiful form; but less by virtue of the formal features of words (rhymes, alliteration, metre) but rather by style, placement, or inclusion of graphics. But one need not mark the distinction precisely, and perhaps cannot do so. One area of overlap is "prose poetry", which attempts to convey using only prose, the aesthetic richness typical of poetry.
An essay consists of a discussion of a topic from an author's personal point of view, exemplified by works by Michel de Montaigne or by Charles Lamb.
'Essay' in English derives from the French 'essai', meaning 'attempt'. Thus one can find open-ended, provocative and/or inconclusive essays. The term "essays" first applied to the self-reflective musings of Michel de Montaigne, and even today he has a reputation as the father of this literary form.
Genres related to the essay may include:
* the memoir, telling the story of an author's life from the author's personal point of view
* the epistle: usually a formal, didactic, or elegant letter.
Narrative fiction (narrative prose) generally favours prose for the writing of novels, short stories, graphic novels, and the like. Singular examples of these exist throughout history, but they did not develop into systematic and discrete literary forms until relatively recent centuries. Length often serves to categorize works of prose fiction. Although limits remain somewhat arbitrary, modern publishing conventions dictate the following:
* A Mini Saga is a short story of exactly 50 words
* A Flash fiction is generally defined as a piece of prose under a thousand words.
* A short story comprises prose writing of between 1000 and 20,000 words (but typically more than 5000 words), which may or may not have a narrative arc.
* A story containing between 20,000 and 50,000 words falls into the novella category.
* A work of fiction containing more than 50,000 words falls squarely into the realm of the novel.
Other prose literature
Philosophy, history, journalism, and legal and scientific writings traditionally ranked as literature. They offer some of the oldest prose writings in existence; novels and prose stories earned the names "fiction" to distinguish them from factual writing or nonfiction, which writers historically have crafted in prose.
A play or drama offers another classical literary form that has continued to evolve over the years. It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims at dramatic / theatrical performance (see theatre) rather than at reading.
Introduction to Literature (E Class)
BalasHapus1. Nailin Nafisah
2. Kiki Suryaningrum
3. Abdul Latif Isro'i
4. M. Shofiyuddin
5. Rusydal Hakim
6. Rizqi Sandhi Safitri
7. Sholikhul Huda
8. Tri Setyo Rini
9. Wihdal Muna Lukluaty
10. Herlinda Diasintha
1. The Definition of Literature
literature has different meaning depending on who is using it. it could be applied broadly to mean any symbolic record, encompassing everything from images and sculptures to letters. in a more narrow sense the term could mean only text composed of letters or other samples of symbolic written language (egyptian hieroglyphs) an even more narrow interpretation is that text have a physical form such as on paper or some other portable form to the exclusion of inscriptions or digital media.
there are many definitions about it, here we try to find out some of them :
a. Literature is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word means "acquaintance with letters" (from Latin littera letter). In Western culture the most basic written literary types include fiction and non-fiction.
b. Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
c. the writings of a period or of a country especially those kept alive by their beauty of style or thought.
2. The example of literature
a. Poetry
A poem is a composition written in verse (although verse has been equally used for epic and dramatic fiction). Poems rely heavily on imagery, precise word choice, and metaphor; they may take the form of measures consisting of patterns of stresses (metric feet) or of patterns of different-length syllables (as in classical prosody); and they may or may not utilize rhyme.
b. Prose
Prose consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar); "non-poetic" writing, perhaps. The term sometimes appears pejoratively, but prosaic writing simply says something without necessarily trying to say it in a beautiful way, or using beautiful words.
c. Essays
An essay consists of a discussion of a topic from an author's personal point of view, exemplified by works by Michel de Montaigne or by Charles Lamb.
Narrative fiction (narrative prose) generally favours prose for the writing of novels, short stories, graphic novels, and the like. Singular examples of these exist throughout history, but they did not develop into systematic and discrete literary forms until relatively recent centuries
e. Drama
A play or drama offers another classical literary form that has continued to evolve over the years. It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims at dramatic / theatrical performance (see theatre) rather than at reading.
Genres of literature
A literary genre refers to the traditional divisions of literature of various kinds according to a particular criterion of writing. See the list of literary genres.
List of literary genres
* Autobiography, Memoir, Spiritual autobiography
* Biography
* Diaries and Journals
* Electronic literature
* Erotic literature
* Slave narrative
* Thoughts, Proverbs
* Fiction
o Adventure novel
o Children's literature
o Comic novel
o Crime fiction
+ Detective fiction
o Fable, Fairy tale, Folklore
o Fantasy (for more details see Fantasy subgenres; fantasy literature)
o Gothic fiction (initially synonymous with horror)
o Historical fiction
o Horror
o Medical novel
o Mystery fiction
o Philosophical novel
o Political fiction
o Romance novel
+ Historical romance
o Saga, Family Saga
o Satire
o Science fiction (for more details see Science fiction genre)
o Thriller
+ Conspiracy fiction
+ Legal thriller
+ Psychological thriller
+ Spy fiction/Political thriller
o Tragedy
source :
BalasHapusMembers of group :
1. M. Fatoni ( 2008 – 32 – 279)
2. Moh. Abdul manaf ( 2008 – 32 – 244 )
3. Fahris munthohar ( 2008 – 32 – 152 )
4. Dimas pramianto ( 2008 – 32 – 166 )
5. Esty cahyaningsih ( 2008 – 32 – 168 )
6. Eri diah L A ( 2008 – 32 – 150 )
7. Siti hamnah ( 2008 – 32 – 190 )
8. Laeny qibtiyah ( 2008 – 32 – ... )
9. Eny kusrini (2008 - 32 - ... )
Definition:What is literature?
Literature is inventive creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value, writing that imaginatively expresses ideas of permanent and universal interest. Strictly speaking, literature refers to written works that are intended for reading, such as novels, historical works, biography, and essays.
Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
Note that literature, by definition, must be written and read. Technically, that means that plays and other kinds of performances are excluded unless they are written primarily with the intention of being read, not acted. Also excluded are poems written primarily to be heard, not read and unwritten oral poems, such as the works of the classic bards. However, today most experts agree that these kinds of exceptions are fine points; the modern inclination is to apply the term literature to acted plays and to poetry read out loud, so long as these works meet the basic requirements for literature.
The word literature is derived from the Latin words litteratus, meaning learned, scholarly, a person who can read and write, a person familiar with literature. Thus, literature, being learned, and reading and writing are closely related ideas that apply both to written works and to the people who write them—the literati:
What are they basic requirements for literature and the literati?
* A written work is literate if it is well-written, and characterized by lucidity, polish, or the like.
* A person who is literate has or shows knowledge of literature.
* A written work or a person is learned if it (or he) is skillful, has or shows much knowledge, is scholarly, erudite, or connected with or involved with the pursuit of knowledge, especially scholarly knowledge but also knowledge of the ways of the world.
Clearly, not every written thing is literature. Cookbooks, diet and travel books, and advertisements in magazines are all meant to be read but they don't count. The purpose of such works is to inform, not to imaginatively express ideas of permanent and universal interest.
Many creative works don't qualify, either. A novel isn't literature just because it's long, nor is a short story illiterate just because it's brief. For a creative work to be literature it must possess expression and form as well as contain ideas of permanent and universal interest. So long as a creative work possesses these essential qualities, it may be great literature even if it is flawed.
more about the meaning of literature
The term literature has many diverse meanings, all valid. For example, in the broadest sense, literature includes any type of writings on any subject. And, in a more restricted sense, literature connotes the body of artistic writings of a country or period, especially works that are characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal, as with the phrase, English literature of the 16th century.
Something may also be called literature if it is:
* Printed material, such as circulars, leaflets, handbills, or literature, which describes objects, places, company products, and the like.
* Printed material produced by a professional, amateur, or private individual.
* Writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays.
* Imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value.
* A literary work or production.
* The profession of a writer or author.
* The art or occupation of a literary writer.
* A body of writings in prose or verse dealing with a particular subject, for example the body of writings:
o Of a specific language, period, people, such as the literature of Iceland or of the field of genetics.
o Produced by scholars or researchers in a given field.
* A musical score or composition of a certain kind, such as that written for a specific instrument or ensemble, such as symphonic literature.
introduction to literature class E
BalasHapus1. Amalia Rahmawati (2007-32-024)
2. Lilik Kurniasari (2007-32-027)
3. Yusnia Srana Valetina (2007-32-032)
4. Dina Novita Wijayanti (2007-32-190)
5. Fikmawati(2007-32-200)
6. Putriana Jayanti Ratnasari (2007-32-222)
1. Learning; acquaintance with letters or books.
2. The collective body of literary productions, embracing the entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing; also
the whole body of literary productions or writings upon a given subject, or in reference to a particular science or branch of
knowledge, or of a given country or period; as, the literature of Biblical criticism; the literature of chemistry.
3. The class of writings distinguished for beauty of style or expression, as poetry, essays, or history, in distinction from
scientific treatises and works which contain positive knowledge; belles-lettres.
4. The occupation, profession, or business of doing literary work.
5. Large tomes of words and stories that have become classics over time however this is only one definition of literature
6. All compositions in writing or print which preserve the results of observation, thought, or fancy; but those upon the positive
sciences (mathematics, etc.) are usually.
7. Imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value: “Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unity” (Rebecca West).
8. Literature, a body of written works related by subject‐matter (e.g. the literature of computing), by language or place of origin (e.g. Russian literature), or by prevailing cultural standards of merit. In this last sense, ‘literature’ is taken to include oral, dramatic, and broadcast compositions that may not have been published in written form but which have been (or deserve to be) preserved. Since the 19th century, the broader sense of literature as a totality of writteliterature, a body of written works related by subject‐matter (e.g. the literature of computing), by language or place of origin (e.g. Russian literature), or by prevailing cultural standards of merit. In this last sense, ‘literature’ is taken to include oral, dramatic, and broadcast compositions that may not have been published in written form but which have been (or deserve to be) preserved.
1.Poem : Piece of creative writing in verse from esp one expressing deep feeling or noble thought in beautiful language,with the desire to communicate an experience piece of prose writing in elevated style.
: A verbal composition designed to convey experiences, ideas, or emotions in a vivid and imaginative way, characterized by the use of language chosen for its sound and suggestive power and by the use of literary techniques such as meter, metaphor, and rhyme.
2. Drama : Play for the theatre, radio or television composition , presentation and performance such as plays.
3.Fiction : Branch of literature concerned with stories, novel, romances.
4.Biography : Person's life history writte by another.
Branch of literature dealing with the lives of persons.
5.Poetry : The art of a poet;poems
Quality that produces feelings as produced by poem.
6 Novel : A printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction;
: Novel is used in its broadest sense to designate any extended fictional narrative almost always in prose. In practice, however, its use is customarily restricted to narrative in which the representation of character occurs either in a static condition or in the process of development as the result of events or actions.
BalasHapus1.marlinda oktaviani
BalasHapus2.salis qina aksana
3.mazidatun nur
4.M izzudin abdus salam
* Literature is a human work that has and art value and quality,literature can be fiction and non fiction and based on fact surrounding real events, people and place for example history books, biographies etc. Literature can also be writings based not on truth, but on the imagination on creativity of the author this includes fiction novel and children story books the basicly written material and the writer engage the reader to know the writer massage
* The example
history books : pangeran diponegoro
biographies : ryan sang penjagal, soeharto
fiction novel : ayat- ayat cinta, siti nurbaya,supernova, laskar pelangi
theater, drama , movies : romeo n julliet, cinderella, bawang merah- bawang putih
folktale : kancil nyolong timun, timun mas
BalasHapusAdas Reiyadi (2007-32-273) Dian Ika (2007-32-090)
Didik Muzaki (2007-32-280) Feri Kurniawanta (2007-32-258)
Mardiana Sari (2007-32-231) Muhammad Irmawan (2007-32-275)
Nur Khoidah Khayati (2007-32-269) Nurun Nisa (2007-32-262)
Rani Rosyidah (2007-32-104) Riayatul Khasna (2007-32-088)
Class E
1.What is literature?
Literature is written works with artistic value, written works as fiction, poetry, drama, novel and criticism that are recognized as ART WORK. The body of written works of a culture, language, people, or period of time.Writings on subject : the body of published work concerned with a particular subject.
*For example of LITERATURE*
A.The Short Story
The short story refers to a work of fiction that is usually written in prose, usually in arrative format. This format or medium tends to be more pointed than longer works of fiction, such as novellas (in the 20th and 21st century sense) and novels or books. Short story definitions based upon length differ somewhat even among professional writers, due somewhat in part to the fragmentation of
the medium into genres.
Short stories tend to be less complex than novels. Usually a short story focuses
on only one incident, has a single plot, a single setting, a small number of
characters, and covers a short period of time.
In longer forms of fiction, stories tend to contain certain core elements of dramatic structure: exposition (the introduction of setting, situation and main characters); complication (the event that introduces the conflict); rising action, crisis (the decisive moment for the protagonist and his commitment to a course of action); climax (the point of highest interest in terms of the conflict and the point with the most action); resolution (the point when the conflict is resolved); and moral.
Example of short story
1) 50 Dollars is 50 Dollars
Morris and his wife Esther went to the state fair every year, and every year Morris would say, 'Esther, I'd like to ride in that helicopter.'Esther always replied, 'I know Morris, but that helicopter ride is 50 dollars and 50 dollars is 50 dollars.' One year Esther and Morris went to the fair, and Morris said, 'Esther I'm 85 years old. if I don't ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance.' Esther replied, 'Morris that helicopter is 50 dollars and 50 dollars is 50 dollars.' The pilot over heard the couple and said, 'folks I'll make you a deal. I'll take the both of you for a ride; if you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say a word I won't charge you! but if you say one word, it's 50 dollars.' Morris and Esther agreed and up they went. the pilot did all kinds of nancy manoeuvres, but not a word was heard. he did his dare devil tricks over and over again, but still not a word. When they landed, the pilot urned to Morris and said, 'by golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn't . I'm impressed!' Morris replied, 'well I almost said something when Esther fell out, but, you know, 50 dollars is 50 dollars!'
[Kindly sent in by John Franklin].
B.Novel .
Berlin, May 10, 1933, Nazi book burning.
Simone de Beauvoir, Jean Paul Sartre and Che Guevara meeting in Cuba, 1960 Announcement of the Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2008The modern novel is, given the numbers of new editions and its place among the genres sold in bookshops at the moment, far from the crisis critics like John Barth or, more recently, Alvin Kernan predicted. Literature has not ended in “exhaustion”[84] or in a silent "death";[85] nor have the new media television or cinema, and the new channels of distribution from the Internet[86] to the e-book supplanted the paper bound medium. New releases of novels like the Harry Potter (1997-2007) sequels have created hypes among an audience critics had seen as lost.[87]Novels were among the first material artifacts the Nazis burnt in publiccelebrations of their power in 1933;[88] and they remained the very last thing they allowed their publishers to print as the Second World War ended in the
devastation of central Europe – fiction could still be employed to keep the retreating troops in dream worlds of an idyllic homeland waiting for them.[89]
Novels were in the pockets of those went to Vietnam as soldiers and they were in
the pockets of those who protested against the Vietnam war – Hermann Hesse’s
Steppenwolf and Carlos Castaneda’s Journey to Ixtlan (1972) had become cult classics of inner resistance. Whilst it was difficult to learn anything about Siberia’s concentration camps in the strictly censored soviet media it was a novel, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962) and its proto historic expansion The Gulag Archipelago (1973) that eventually spread the insider’s views.
Poetry is piece of literature written by a poet in meter or verse expressing various emotions which are expressed by the use of variety of techniques including metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia. The emphasis on the aesthetics of language and the use of techniques uch as repetition, meter and rhyme are what are commonly used to distinguish poetry from prose. Poems often make heavy use of imagery and word association to quickly convey emotions. A famous example of poetry, the poem Dying by Emily Dickinson, illustrates a poetry type or literary term. An example of Lyric Poetry. Example of Structure of Poetry the structure used in poems varies with different types of poetry and can be seen in the above example of Dying by Emily Dickinson. The structural elements might include the line, couplet, strophe and stanza. Poets combine the use of language and a specific structure to create imaginative and expressive work such as Dying by Emily Dickinson. The structure used in some Poetry types are also used when considering the visual effect of a finished poem. The structure of many types of poetry result in groups of lines on the page which enhance the poem's composition.
An example of Lyric
Example of poetry
Emily Dickinson
I heard a fly buzz when I died;
The stillness round my form
Was like the stillness in the air
Between the heaves of storm.
The eyes beside had wrung them dry,
And breaths were gathering sure
For that last onset, when the king
Be witnessed in his power.
I willed my keepsakes, signed away
What portion of me I
Could make assignable,-and then
There interposed a fly,
With blue, uncertain, stumbling buzz,
Between the light and me;
And then the windows failed, and then
I could not see to see.
An example of Lyric Poetry.
Group : Skynet
BalasHapusClass : Introduction to Literature E
Members :
Anessa Agnes Hidriya (2007-32-172)
Emi Kumalasari (2007-32-188)
Ahmad Fuadi Nur (2007-32-203)
Muh Misbahul Munir AP (2007-32-204)
Miftahul Falah (2007-32-207)
Dian Rizkiawati (2007-32-220)
Muh Abdul Aziz (2007-32-253)
Literature is a canon which is consists of those works in language by which a community defines itself through the course of its history. It includes works primarily artistic and also those whose aesthetic qualities are only secondary.
The self defining activity of the community is conducted in the light of the works, as its members have come to read them (or concretize them). (McFadden 1978 : 56).
Literature is a term used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
Literature represents a language or a people, culture, and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or culture artifact.
“the difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect him precisely as you wish”(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Literature is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word means “ acquaintance with letters”(from Latin littera letter).
In western culture the most basic written literary types include fiction and non fiction.
a)History: one of the earliest known literary works is the sumerien epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem dated around 2700 B.C. Which deals with themes of heroism, friendship, loss,etc.
b)Poetry: a composition written in verse (although verse has been equally used for epic and dramatic).
c)Prose: Consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar)
d)Essays: an essay consists of a topic from an author’s personal point of view.
e)Fiction: generally favors prose for the writing of novel, short stories, graphic novels, and the like.
f)Other prose literature: Philosophy, history, journalism, and a legal and scientific writings traditionally ranked as literature. They offer writings in existence; novels and prose stories named the names : “fiction” to distinguish them from factual writing on non fiction, which writes historically have crafted in prose.
g)Drama: A play, drama offers another classical literary form that has continued to evolve over the years. It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims a dramatic performance (see theater) rather than reading.
From : Dahlia 2007 – 32 – 174 Class ITL/E
BalasHapus1. What is Literature ?
A. Literature is literally "acquaintance with letters" as in the first sense given in the Oxford English Dictionary (from the Latin littera meaning "an individual written character (letter)"). The term has generally come to identify a collection of texts or work of art, which in Western culture are mainly prose, both fiction and non-fiction, drama and poetry. In much, if not all of the world, texts can be oral as well, and include such genres as epic, legend, myth, ballad, plus other forms of oral poetry, and the folktale.
Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, “literature” is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
2. The examples of Literature :
a. History
One of the earliest known literary works is”Tuhan Ijinkan Aku Menjadi Pelacur”, which deals with themes of love,loss, and life.
b. Poetry
A poem is a composition written in verse (although verse has been equally used for epic and dramatic fiction),example:Pantai (Chalil Gibran).
c. Prose
Prose consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar); "non-poetic" writing, perhaps.
d. Essays
An essay consists of a discussion of a topic from an author's personal point of view.
e. Fiction
Narrative fiction (narrative prose) generally favours prose for the writing of novels, short stories, graphic novels,etc.
f. Other prose literature
Philosophy, history, journalism, and legal and scientific writings traditionally ranked as literature. They offer some of the oldest prose writings in existence; novels and prose stories earned the names "fiction" to distinguish them from factual writing or nonfiction, which writers historically have crafted in prose.
g. Drama
A play or drama offers another classical literary form that has continued to evolve over the years. It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims at dramatic / theatrical performance (see theatre) rather than at reading.
h. Oral literature
The term oral literature refers not to written, but to oral traditions,it exists in every society, whether literate or not. It is generally studied by folklorists, or by scholars committed to cultural studies and ethnopoetics, including linguists, anthropologists, and even sociologists.
3. Source :
LITERATURE is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, “Literature” is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of Fiction and Nonfiction.
BalasHapusFiction is an imaginative from of narrative, one of the four basic rhetorical modes. Fiction maybe written or oral or maybe presented as a film or theater or on radio or television. Although not all fiction is necessarily artistic, fiction is largely perceived as a from of art or entertaiment.
For example: Drama
Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presuppose collaborative modes of production and a collective form of reception.
Nonfiction is an account or representation of a subject which is presented as fact.
For example: Essay
An essay is usually a short piece of writing. The essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything, usually on a certain topic, like the novel.
Major forms : Novel, Poem, Drama, Short Story, Novella.
Genres : Epic, Lyric, Drama, Romance, Satire, Tragedy, Comedy, Tragicomedy.
Media : Performance (play), Book.
Techniques : Prose, Verse.
History and List : Basic topics, Literary terms history, Modern histiry,book, writers literary awards, Poetry awards.
Discussion : Criticism, Theory, Magazine.
Http://classilit. about.com
Name : Sri Wahyuningsih
Nim : 2007-32-2007
Class : Intro to Literature E
Class;Intro to Literature D
BalasHapusMembers of group
1. Ulin Nor Hidayah (2007-32-002)
2. Dian Rahmawati S (2007-32-019)
3. Erlina Supriyanti (2007-32-038)
4. Marta Imaniar R (2007-32-264)
5. Ani Wahyu S (2007-32-279)
6. Anis Sa'adah (2007-32-044)
7. Ika Widiyawati (2007-32-286)
8. Alima Ilma A (2008-32-343)
9. Yesi Evantia (2008-32-346)
10. Husnia Tsalisa A (2008-32-347)
What is literature?
Literature is the art of written works. Literally translated, the word means "acquaintance with letters" (from Latin littera letter).
The Muslim scholar and philosopher Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (702-765 AD) defined "literature" as follows: "Literature is the garment which one puts on what he says or writes so that it may appear more attractive.
The examples of literature:
1. History
One of the earliest known literary works is the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem dated around 2700 B.C., which deals with themes of heroism, friendship, loss, and the quest for eternal life. Different historical periods have emphasized various characteristics of literature. Early works often had an overt or covert religious or didactic purpose. Moralizing or prescriptive literature stems from such sources. The exotic nature of romance flourished from the Middle Ages onwards, whereas the Age of Reason manufactured nationalistic epics and philosophical tracts. Romanticism emphasized the popular folk literature and emotive involvement, but gave way in the 19th-century West to a phase of realism and naturalism, investigations into what is real. The 20th century brought demands for symbolism or psychological insight in the delineation and development of character.
A poem is a composition written in verse (although verse has been equally used for epic and dramatic fiction).
Poetry perhaps pre-dates other forms of literature: early known examples include the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (dated from around 2700 B.C.), parts of the Bible, the surviving works of Homer (the Iliad and the Odyssey), and the Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. In cultures based primarily on oral traditions the formal characteristics of poetry often have a mnemonic function, and important texts: legal, genealogical or moral, for example, may appear first in verse form.
Prose consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar); "non-poetic" writing, perhaps.
An essay consists of a discussion of a topic from an author's personal point of view, exemplified by works by Michel de Montaigne or by Charles Lamb.
Genres related to the essay may include:
* the memoir, telling the story of an author's life from the author's personal point of view
* the epistle: usually a formal, didactic, or elegant letter.
A play or drama offers another classical literary form that has continued to evolve over the years. It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims at dramatic / theatrical performance (see theatre) rather than at reading. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, opera developed as a combination of poetry, drama, and music. Nearly all drama took verse form until comparatively recently. Shakespeare could be considered drama. Romeo and Juliet, for example, is a classic romantic drama generally accepted as literature.
6.Oral literature
The term oral literature refers not to written, but to oral traditions, which includes different types of epic, poetry and drama, folktales, ballads, legends, jokes, and other genres of folklore. It exists in every society, whether literate or not. It is generally studied by folklorists, or by scholars committed to cultural studies and ethnopoetics, including linguists, anthropologists, and even sociologists.
Genres of literature
A literary genre refers to the traditional divisions of literature of various kinds according to a particular criterion of writing. See the list of literary genres.
List of literary genres
* Autobiography, Memoir, Spiritual autobiography
* Biography
* Diaries and Journals
* Electronic literature
* Erotic literature
* Slave narrative
* Thoughts, Proverbs
* Fiction
o Adventure novel
o Children's literature
o Comic novel
o Crime fiction
+ Detective fiction
o Fable, Fairy tale, Folklore
o Fantasy (for more details see Fantasy subgenres; fantasy literature)
o Gothic fiction (initially synonymous with horror)
o Historical fiction
o Horror
o Medical novel
o Mystery fiction
o Philosophical novel
o Political fiction
o Romance novel
+ Historical romance
o Saga, Family Saga
o Satire
o Science fiction (for more details see Science fiction genre)
o Thriller
+ Conspiracy fiction
+ Legal thriller
+ Psychological thriller
+ Spy fiction/Political thriller
o Tragedy
source :http://en.wikipedia.org/
BalasHapusIlma Khasna Nurya (2008- 32-181)
Ike Resti Zuliana sari (2008- 32-182)
M.Kharir (2008- 32-183)
Arina Azkiya (2008- 32-184)
Liswatin Na'imah (2008- 32-192)
Intan Noor Jannah (2008- 32-197)
Farida Sulistiyaningsih (2008- 32-202)
Nunik Istiana Wulandari (2008- 32- 212)
Rusti Aisya Dilliana (2008- 32_225)
Zahrotul Naimah (2008- 32- 260)
The word "literature" has different meanings depending on who is using it. It could be applied broadly to mean any symbolic record, encompassing everything from images and sculptures to letters. People may perceive a difference between "literature" and some popular forms of written work. The terms "literary fiction" and "literary merit" often serve to distinguish between individual works.
1. History
One of the earliest known literary works is the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem dated around 2700 B.C., which deals with themes of heroism, friendship, loss, and the quest for eternal life. Different historical periods have emphasized various characteristics of literature. Early works often had an overt or covert religious or didactic purpose.
A poem is a composition written in verse (although verse has been equally used for epic and dramatic fiction). Poems rely heavily on imagery, precise word choice, and metaphor; they may take the form of measures consisting of patterns of stresses (metric feet) or of patterns of different-length syllables (as in classical prosody); and they may or may not utilize rhyme. One cannot readily characterize poetry precisely. Typically though, poetry as a form of literature makes some significant use of the formal properties of the words it uses – the properties of the written or spoken form of the words, independent of their meaning. Metre depends on syllables and on rhythms of speech; rhyme and alliteration depend on the sounds of words.
3. Prose
Prose consists of writing that does not adhere to any particular formal structures (other than simple grammar); "non-poetic" writing, perhaps. The term sometimes appears pejoratively, but prosaic writing simply says something without necessarily trying to say it in a beautiful way, or using beautiful words. Prose writing can of course take beautiful form; but less by virtue of the formal features of words (rhymes, alliteration, metre) but rather by style, placement, or inclusion of graphics. But one need not mark the distinction precisely, and perhaps cannot do so. One area of overlap is "prose poetry", which attempts to convey using only prose, the aesthetic richness typical of poetry.
4. Essays
An essay consists of a discussion of a topic from an author's personal point of view, exemplified by works by Michel de Montaigne or by Charles Lamb.
'Essay' in English derives from the French 'essai', meaning 'attempt'. Thus one can find open-ended, provocative and/or inconclusive essays. The term "essays" first applied to the self-reflective musings of Michel de Montaigne, and even today he has a reputation as the father of this literary form.
Genres related to the essay may include:
the memoir, telling the story of an author's life from the author's personal point of view
the epistle: usually a formal, didactic, or elegant letter.
5. Fiction
Narrative fiction (narrative prose) generally favours prose for the writing of novels, short stories, graphic novels, and the like. Singular examples of these exist throughout history, but they did not develop into systematic and discrete literary forms until relatively recent centuries. Length often serves to categorize works of prose fiction. Although limits remain somewhat arbitrary, modern publishing conventions dictate the following:
A Mini Saga is a short story of exactly 50 words
A Flash fiction is generally defined as a piece of prose under a thousand words.
A short story comprises prose writing of between 1000 and 20,000 words (but typically more than 5000 words), which may or may not have a narrative arc.
A story containing between 20,000 and 50,000 words falls into the novella category.
A work of fiction containing more than 50,000 words falls squarely into the realm of the novel.
6. Other prose literature
Philosophy, history, journalism, and legal and scientific writings traditionally ranked as literature. They offer some of the oldest prose writings in existence; novels and prose stories earned the names "fiction" to distinguish them from factual writing or nonfiction, which writers historically have crafted in prose.
7. Drama
A play or drama offers another classical literary form that has continued to evolve over the years. It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters, and usually aims at dramatic / theatrical performance (see theatre) rather than at reading. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, opera developed as a combination of poetry, drama, and music. Nearly all drama took verse form until comparatively recently. Shakespeare could be considered drama. Romeo and Juliet, for example, is a classic romantic drama generally accepted as literature.
8. Oral literature
The term oral literature refers not to written, but to oral traditions, which includes different types of epic, poetry and drama, folktales, ballads, legends, jokes, and other genres of folklore. It exists in every society, whether literate or not. It is generally studied by folklorists, or by scholars committed to cultural studies and ethnopoetics, including linguists, anthropologists, and even sociologists.
9. Other narrative forms
Electronic literature is a literary genre consisting of works which originate in digital environments.
Films, videos and broadcast soap operas have carved out a niche which often parallels the functionality of prose fiction.
Graphic novels and comic books present stories told in a combination of sequential artwork, dialogue and text.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literature
Class intro to literature D
BalasHapusname :
1. nilawati (2007-32-114)
2. siti farida (2007-32-131)
3. dyah pitaloka kusumaningrum (2007-32-099)
4. ana reza (2007-32-132)
5. aprilia noor aini fajri (2007-32-127)
6. noor rinna nikmatulhuda (2007-32-117)
7. shinta ayu wardani (2007-32-106)
8. firdaus mahmuda (2007-32-108)
1. What is the literature?
Dalam bahasa Indonesia kata ini biasa digunakan untuk merujuk kepada "kesusastraan" atau sebuah jenis tulisan yang memiliki arti atau keindahan tertentu.
atau kesusastraan adalah tulisan yang indah dilihat dari susunan, bentuk dan isinya.
Selain itu dalam arti kesusastraan, sastra bisa dibagi menjadi sastra tertulis atau sastra lisan (sastra oral). Di sini sastra tidak banyak berhubungan dengan tulisan, tetapi dengan bahasa yang dijadikan wahana untuk mengekspresikan pengalaman atau pemikiran tertentu.
Jadi, yang termasuk dalam kategori Sastra adalah:
* Novel
* Cerita/cerpen (tertulis/lisan)
* Syair
* Pantun
* Sandiwara/drama
* Lukisan/kaligrafi
Biasanya kesusastraan dibagi menurut daerah geografis atau bahasa.
2.example of literature?
Contoh Talibun
Tengah malam sudah terlampau
Dinihari belum lagi nampak
Budak-budak dua kali jaga
Orang muda pulang bertandang
Orang tua berkalih tidur
Embun jantan rintik-rintik
Berbunyi kuang jauh ke tengah
Sering lanting riang di rimba
Melenguh lembu di padang
Sambut menguak kerbau di kandang
Berkokok mendung, Merak mengigal
Fajar sidik menyinsing naik
Kicak-kicau bunyi Murai
Taktibau melambung tinggi
Berkuku balam dihujung bendul
Terdengar puyuh panjang bunyi
Puntung sejengkal tinggal sejari
Itulah alamat hari nak siang
(Hikayat Malim Deman)
Introduction to Literature Class D
BalasHapusGroup Members:
1. Nor Fatoni 2007-32-143
2. Andy Setiawan 2007-32-151
3. Ahmad Romli 2007-32-118
4. Tri kusuma Wijayanto 2007-32-149
5. Saiful Amri 2007-32-142
6. M. Anis Rifqil Mujtaba 2007-32-150
7. Nor Jama'ah 2007-32-
A. Pengertian Sastra
Secara etimologis kata sastra berasal dari bahasa sansekerta, dibentuk dari akar kata sas- yang berarti mengarahkan, mengajar dan memberi petunjuk. Akhiran –tra yang berarti alat untuk mengajar, buku petunjuk..
Secara harfiah kata sastra berarti huruf, tulisan atau karangan. Kata sastra ini kemudian diberi imbuhan su- (dari bahasa Jawa) yang berarti baik atau indah, yakni baik isinya dan indah bahasanya. Selanjutnya, kata susastra diberi imbuhan gabungan ke-an sehingga menjadi kesusastraan yang berarti nilai hal atau tentang buku-buku yang baik isinya dan indah bahasanya.
Selain pengertian istilah atau kata sastra di atas, dapat juga dikemukakan batasan / defenisi dalam berbagai konteks pernyataan yang berbeda satu sama lain. Kenyataan ini mengisyaratkan bahwa sastra itu bukan hanya sekedar istilah yang menyebut fenomena yang sederhana dan gampang. Sastra merupakan istilah yang mempunyai arti luas, meliputi sejumlah kegiatan yang berbeda-beda. Kita dapat berbicara secara umum, misalnya berdasarkan aktivitas manusia yang tanpa mempertimbangkan budaya suku maupun bangsa. Sastra dipandang sebagai suatu yang dihasilkan dan dinikmati. Orang-orang tertentu di masyarakat dapat menghasilkan sastra. Sedang orang lain dalam jumlah yang besar menikmati sastra itu dengan cara mendengar atau membacanya.
Batasan sastra menurut PLATO, adalah hasil peniruan atau gambaran dari kenyataan (mimesis). Sebuah karya sastra harus merupakan peneladanan alam semesta dan sekaligus merupakan model kenyataan. Oleh karena itu, nilai sastra semakin rendah dan jauh dari dunia ide.
ARISTOTELES murid PLATO memberi batasan sastra sebagai kegiatan lainnya melalui agama, ilmu pengetahuan dan filsafat. Menurut kaum formalisme Rusia, sastra adalah sebagai gubahan bahasa yang bermaterikan kata-kata dan bersumber dari imajinasi atau emosi pengarang. Rene Welleck dan Austin Warren, memberi defenisi bahasa dalam tiga hal :
1. Segala sesuatu yang tertulis
2. Segala sesuatu yang tertulis dan yang menjadi buku terkenal, baik dari segi isi maupun bentuk kesusastraannya
3. Sebagai karya seni yang imajinatif dengan unsur estetisnya dominan dan bermediumkan bahasa.
Menurut Jean Paul-Sartre, sastra bukan semata-mata sebuah aktivitas yang berdiri atas ego. Bukan juga sekedar pemaparan deskriptif mengenai sejumlah karakter dan situasi peradaban manusia. Menurutnya, sastra bertanggungjawab menjawab persolaan kebebasan manusia. Kretivitas seni yang tertuang dalam sastra tak lain merupakan aktivitas pembelaan nilai moral manusia.
Sebelum membahas lebih jauh mengenai nilai seni dalam sastra sebaiknya pahami dulu pegertian sastra itu sendiri dan hubungannya dengan seni. Sastra (dalam bahasa Inggris: literature), menurut Oxford English Dictionary, berasal dari kata “littera” yang artinya tulisan yang bersifat pribadi. Istilah ini secara umum bermaksud mengidentifikasi makna yang terkandung dalam sebuah teks (tulisan) termasuk prosa, fiksi, drama dan puisi. Sebelumya telah dikenal semacam sastra lisan, seperti epic, legenda, mitos, balada (bentuk lain puisi lisan) dan cerita rakyat (folktale).
Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) dijelaskan bahwa sastra berarti: (1) bahasa (kata-kata, gaya bahasa) yang dipakai dalam kitab-kitab (bukan bahasa sehari-hari); (2) karya tulis, yang jika dibandingkan dengan tulisan lain, memiliki berbagai ciri keunggulan seperti keaslian, keartistikan, keindahan dalam isi dan ungkapannya.
Entah berapa kataku yang melukai hatimu
entah berapa sikapku yang menyakitimu
tapi aku tak pernah berhenti berharap padamu
kau bukakan pintu maafmu
Langit tersenyum memandang bumi
bumi gembira menyambut malam
siapa orang yang tak pernah tersakiti
maaf lahir batin pelebur kesalahan
puisi cinta
good morning love
Udara yang diam begitu indah
Menghadirkan bola matahari
Dengan kemuning sinarnya
Aku teringat kamu
Terpuruk di sudut kamar
Menyanyi tanpa kata-kata
Rinduku menyulam pintalan doa
Tanpa lelah….
Untuk pagi mu yang indah
Selamat Pagi….
1.Shofiana Sari (2007-32-005)
2.Duriatun (2007-32-028)
3.Yenita Dwi Kartikasari (2007-32-119)
4.Saputri Endhartiningtyas (2007-32-205)
5.Anik Afriani (2007-32-178)
6.Ikhsan Adhi W (2007-32-283)
7.Luthffi Febri Adi E. (2007-32-181)
8.Arif Eko Budi S. (2007-32-196)
9.Fadloli Hasan (2007-32-197)
Pengertian Sastra
Kesusastraan : susastra + ke – an
su + sastra
su berarti indah atau baik
sastra berarti lukisan atau karangan
Susastra berarti karangan atau lukisan yang baik dan indah.
Kesusastraan berarti segala tulisan atau karangan yang mengandung nilai-nilai kebaikan yang ditulis dengan bahasa yang indah.
Secara etimologis kata sastra berasal dari bahasa sansekerta, dibentuk dari akar kata sas- yang berarti mengarahkan, mengajar dan memberi petunjuk. Akhiran –tra yang berarti alat untuk mengajar, buku petunjuk.
Secara harfiah kata sastra berarti huruf, tulisan atau karangan. Kata sastra ini kemudian diberi imbuhan su- (dari bahasa Jawa) yang berarti baik atau indah, yakni baik isinya dan indah bahasanya. Selanjutnya, kata susastra diberi imbuhan gabungan ke-an sehingga menjadi kesusastraan yang berarti nilai hal atau tentang buku-buku yang baik isinya dan indah bahasanya.
Ragam Karya Sastra :
1.Prosa, bentuk sastra yang diuraikan menggunakan bahasa bebas dan panjang tidak terikat oleh aturan-aturan seperti dalam puisi.
2.Puisi, bentuk sastra yang diuraikan dengan menggunakan habasa yang singkat dan padat serta indah. Untuk puisi lama, selalu terikat oleh kaidah atau aturan tertentu.
ku ratapi jlan yg panjang.,
kau tuntun aku dalam waktu
saat ku berjalan bersamamu
lalu kau tinggalkan aku sendiri.,.
dijalan yg sepi..,
hingga akupun mati membisu,.
terkubur kenangan dan waktu.,.
sampai tetesan air mata ini kering dari singasannya.,.
wahai kasih,.,.
kau tancapkan belati cinta mu di dadaku
tapi akhirnya kau cabut jua
sampai diriku membisu tiada akhirrr,.,.
3.Prosa liris, bentuk sastra yang disajikan seperti bentuk puisi namun menggunakan bahasa yang bebas terurai seperti pada prosa.
4.Drama/film , yaitu bentuk sastra yang dilukiskan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang bebas dan panjang, serta disajikan menggunakan dialog atau monolog. Drama ada dua pengertian, yaitu drama dalam bentuk naskah dan drama yang dipentaskan. Unsur instrinsik keduanya terdiri dari tema, amanat/pesan, plot/alur, perwatakan/karakterisasi, konflik, dialog, tata artistik (make up, lighting, busana, properti, tata panggung, aktor, sutradara, busana, tata suara, penonton), casting (penentuan peran), dan akting (peragaan gerak para pemain).
Name: 1. Irene AS 2007-32-182
BalasHapus2. Faela safitri 2007-32-185
3. Akhmad Teguh K 2007-32-202
4. Sudi Arti 2007-32-077
5. Irawati 2007-32-081
6. Ipung N. 2007-32-084
7. Farida U. 2007-32-066
8. Sri Rezki E. 2007-32-250
9. Temmy Asmaranti 2008-32-253
10. Sujinah 2008-32-264
What is the literature ?
The definition of Literature
8.Literature is a creative writing of recognized artistic value.
9.Literature is the humanistic study of a body of literature.
10.Literature is the profession art of writer.
11.Literature is term used to written or spoken material, broadly speaking. Literature is used to describes anything from creative writing to more technical, scientific work, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative, imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, non-fiction.
12.Literature represents a language or a people and tradition, but literature is more important that just a historical artifact. Literature introduces use to new worlds experience. We learn about books and literature, we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poem, stories and plays, and we may even grow and evolve through our literature journey with books.
13.Literature is important to us because it speaks to us. It is universal, and it affect us. Even when it’s ugly, literature is beautiful.
14.For example :The difficulty of literature is not to write but to write what you mean, not to affect your reader but to affect him precisely as you wish “Robert Louis Stevenson”
15.Literature according Rees (1973) proposes two kind of definition. Literature in the broad sense and in the narrow sense. The former simply means anything that is written : time tables, catalogues, textbooks, travel brochures etc.The manuals of electronic gadgets are the literature about them. A medical student will have to read the literature about surgery. In this broad sense an account of yesterday’s football match or an aadvertisement for soap powder is as much literature as the Dialogue of Plato or the novels of Charles Dickens.
16.Anything that is written which expresses ideas, emotion, feelings, and attitude towards life.
The example of Literature
Dalam makin luas, semua yang tertulis itu adalah sastra. Tapi dalam makin sempit, sastra melipat poetry, short story, novel, dapat berupa film, lirik lagu, majalah dan surat kabar.
Contoh Pujangga sastra antara lain William Shakespare, Pramudya Anantatur
1.The example of nursery rhymes
Ding, dong, bell
Pussy’s in the well
Who put her in?
Little Tommy Thin
Who pulled her out?
Little Tommy Stout.
What a naughty boy was that
To drown poor Pussy cat
2.The example of literature ( bedtime stories, nursery rhymes, legend etc)
Title : The Pretend Pony
Writer : Barbee Oliver Carlenton
3.Example of Poem.
( William Carlos William )
I have eaten
the plums
that were in the icebox
and which
you were problaby
saving for breakfast
forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so could
4.Example of short story.
Title : The Last Leaf
Writer: O Henry
BalasHapusSiyami 2008-32-061
Ulirrizqiyah 2008-32-062
Nur Kumala Dewi 2008-32-220
1. Literature is imagination from someone and in the delivery it use beautiful language
2. The example of literature is:
- Non fiction, for example: biography and autobiography
- Fiction, for example: prose; (romance, short story and novel), poem; songs, drama; theater.
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